Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday soundbites

The same intervals that sound sad in music also sound sad in speech.

Only in Texas would a university put together a spreadsheet showing how much money each professor is making for, or costing the university. Times, they are a' changing in academia...  and it looks like someone with similarly jaded views turned them into a movie.

Speaking of metrics, Academic Productivity has a great piece on new alt-metrics for measuring, well, academic productivity.

And the extent to which Google tools can inform peer review can be found here.

Oliver Sacks has just released a new book on vision. Hear his interview on NPR's Fresh Air. See also the review in Nature. I can't wait to get my hands on this book!

The Neurocritic takes on some over-made claims about low female libido and the brain. See also Neuroskeptic.

A new study shows that methylphenidate (Ritalin) increases activity in an attention network while decreasing activity in the default network.

The Neuroethics and Law blog takes on the neuroscience of marijuana legalization in time for the Proposition 19 vote in California. Like most public policy issues in neuroscience, it's complicated.

What would be the impact of training 10,000 more science and math teachers on American scientific innovation? As reported in Science, no one knows.

Your "inner voice" of self control might really be a voice.

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